Thanks to The Nate the Hate Podcast social media is all flustered today trying to figure out what game Nate was referring to. On the podcast Nate said "“In the calendar year of 2024, Microsoft will bring one of their more acclaimed first-party games to a competitor’s system,” the show claimed.
“The title I’m referring to was met with high critical acclaim. Fans loved it and it was in the game of the year conversation in the year that it released.”
“When the announcement comes I think it will be met with a lot of excitement because it’s a quality game.
“I think this is a smart move for Microsoft… from a business perspective, if you’re bringing select games to multiplatform, to Switch and PlayStation, you’re doing so because you see the quality of the IP and the franchise and you want to expand its reach beyond just the Xbox.”
Now, speculation has begun based on what Nate said, and the consensus is that he is speaking of Tango Gameworks' Hi-Fi Rush. Hi-Fi Rush was shadowdropped this year during the Xbox Games Showcase and became an instant favourite to everyone who played it.

If Hi-Fi Rush is coming to PlayStation and Nintendo Switch, this is a big win for gamers as this is a game everyone should play. The art style and gameplay are unmatched, and it was one of my best games last year.
If Xbox does bring Hi-Fi Rush to other consoles, this wouldn't be an unprecedented move as they have had titles in the past and plan on continuing to have Call of Duty as a multi-platformer.
Would this open the door for many more Xbox first-party titles to be multi-platform? Only time will tell, but I'm all for it as someone who plays on all consoles.